May 15, 2024

Mum's Creamed Lettuce And Potatoes

Happy Wednesday, my friends. Aren't these flowers sweet? Madison brought them and arranged them in this cute Mason Jar. They make me happy every time I see them. 

I had a few questions about the creamed lettuce and potatoes we had on Mother's Day, and I am always happy to share the recipe! I first tried this amazing dish when I was dating Steve, and his mom, who we always called Mum, made it during the summers. Mum was an excellent cook and somehow threw together a delicious meal in no time without relying on any recipe. Steve has perfected his Mum's creamed lettuce and potatoes and is passing the unwritten recipe onto our children. If you want to try it, this is all you do. We only make it when garden lettuce and baby potatoes are in season. That is the best!

Rinse and pat dry your garden lettuce. Mix some mayonnaise with some regular vinegar. Use less vinegar, and stir until creamy. Chop some green onions and put them in. Pour this over the lettuce and refrigerate. Boil some baby potatoes, drain, cut, and fry until crispy. Place potatoes on your plate and top with the creamed lettuce. Add salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy! We add this to any summer meal.

I mean, how could you not?!?!

Well, it's time for me to get going. I need to wash my face, do something with my hair, put on my uniform for the day—an oversized crewneck and yoga pants—make my bed, and get breakfast. I make it a point to do this every day, even when I know I won't be going out. My sweet mom always said, " If you look good, you do good. And if you do good, you feel good! " Moms are always right!

Billie Jo

May 13, 2024

Monday Morning Coffee Talk

Good Monday Morning! I had some visitors this morning as I sipped my coffee and said my prayers.

Not pictured are two ducks paddling in the nearby water, a bright bluejay flying between the trees, and an array of tiny birds fluttering in and out of my new birdfeeder. They all seem to love it, except for the little guy with the fluffy tail, who realizes he is out of luck.

Mother's Day was lovely here. I was spoiled, loved, cared for, and fed really well. 

Brunch was pancakes with fresh berries, oven-baked bacon, and scrambled eggs with cherry tomatoes. 

Dinner was beef tips, baked zucchini, and creamed lettuce over fried potatoes.

Madison took this photo of me, illustrating how I spent most of my day. I was thankful to have a great conversation with my beautiful mother, and my sister Margie sent this photo from their Mother's Day tea. 

I hope your weekend was everything you hoped for, my friends. Have a lovely Monday. Our Monday includes school, laundry, and perhaps takeout for dinner. What are your plans for this Monday in May, my friends?

Billie Jo

May 10, 2024

Dinner, Dogs, And Dates

Happy Friday, friends! I hope you had a lovely week and are ready for the weekend! So, remember last Sunday and the amazing dinner Steve and Madison prepared? Monday came around, and honestly, I hadn't thought about dinner because how do you follow that up? Enter Retired Steve, who has happily taken ownership of some of the cooking and suggested BLT sandwiches using some of the leftover items. Happier I could not be. Just look...

We toasted the baguette, sliced the fresh tomatoes, washed the lettuce, and baked the bacon. Yes, I allow bacon if it is done in the oven. While I love eating it, I do not enjoy the scent that lingers in my house for days after. Baking it eliminates that! Also, I decided to make it easier to clean up and more fun by setting everything on a piece of parchment paper. Madison and Peyton enlightened me about the unbleached kind, and I must say it is a game-changer.

Here it is! And when we were done? We rolled it all up and threw the paper away. Oh, the mystery ingredient in the clear dish is leftover crab imperial from the night before. It takes the BLT to a whole new level.

Madison and Flynn also made dessert, and it was delicious! They told me it was super simple, but all I know is it was amazing. It was a crumble with fresh berries and rhubarb. I will ask Madison for the recipe and share it if anyone is interested. 

~ Mocha ~ 
Uninterested in drama, Makes her wants known

~ Cosmo ~
Sweetest, Happy to be here, can be found on top of any pillow

~ Draper ~
Quietest, Sophisticated and unassuming

~ Marty ~
Playful, Energetic, cute and spunky

One night this week, Steve and I had a date night. We left the dogs in capable hands and took a ride in my Jeep! It has been a while because I am still figuring out how to navigate the traffic here. For the record, I can drive. I am just used to what I am used to. Here, while our immediate area is quiet and calm, turning onto the road leading to the ocean involves cars, signs, multiple traffic lights of varying colors, and geese meandering across the road. Steve says he will ride with me for the first few times until I get more comfortable. So, there's that. What could go wrong?!
We opened the roof, played my music (Post Malone, anyone?), and got one of our favorite drive-thru meals. We took it to an inlet and ate while watching the ocean and all its beauty.

It was a wonderful evening—like back in the olden days when we were dating, but better because we talked with and about our children. Few things make a mother happier. And speaking of happy mothers, I am sharing my new favorite picture of me and my mom. She is the most beautiful soul, inside and out!

Finally, to all the mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, those waiting to be, and those praying to be, Happy Mother's Day!

Billie Jo

The Sweetest sounds to mortals given

Are heard in Mother, Home, and Heaven.

William Goldsmith Brown

May 8, 2024

Cozy Is...

I don't bake as much as I used to. When your daughter is the best baker ever, you don't have a need to. However, when you live several hours away from your baker daughter part of the time, you may have to pull out the pans and bowls and make something yourself. Peyton made this amazing chocolate banana bread the other day and sent us the recipe. I had an abundance of ripe bananas and the time, so I tied on my apron and got baking. Ok, I didn't really do the apron thing, but it sounds nice. This bread is delicious. It looks, smells, and tastes amazing. If you find yourself with some free time and a few mushy bananas, I will link the recipe below. Now, I am off to get a knife so I can even out the loaf. 

Happy Wednesday!

Billie Jo

May 6, 2024

Monday Morning Coffee ~ All The Things!

Good Monday morning! How was your weekend? We had a good one here in Maryland, and there are too many pictures to illustrate that.

I hung some new art in the foyer. I found these reproductions of two of my favorite novels on Etsy and love how they look here.

And I finally figured out something to finish this area in the foyer. 

Another Etsy find: This set of canvases makes me happy every time I look at it. These are in the family room, and the fishing on the water reminds me of my dad.

This weekend was filled with food. Steve and I had a date Friday night, and my fresh vegetable pasta was amazing. There was also way too much! I took most of it home. 

I needed to leave room for this.

We all went to a new restaurant on the harbor Saturday after Mass. I had a delicious crabcake with fresh coleslaw with crushed salt and vinegar chips! 

We do cook, I promise! In fact, after a trip to the Farmer's Market, Madison and Steve prepared the most delicious meal for us all on Sunday night.

Sunday dinner menu

Appetizer. Bacon-wrapped scallops along with baguette white bread

Main. Baked rockfish topped with homemade crab imperial. 

Side. Fried potatoes covered with creamed lettuce

Dessert choices
Pecan pie with vanilla ice cream or white cake topped with fresh fruit and buttercream frosting. 

The first and only sitting will be at 630. This meal is complimentary, but tips are appreciated.

( That is the text Steve sent in our Family Group Thread. )

After all the food, Cosmo and I needed a nap!

Have a cozy Monday, my friends.
Thanks for all your comments on my previous post!

Billie Jo

May 3, 2024

May Is Mental Health Awareness Month!


May is a busy month. It's the end of the school year and the month of field trips, proms, finals, spring sports, graduations, and weddings. Our family has five birthdays in addition to Mother's Day and Memorial Day! May is also Mental Health Awareness Month. I cannot let this pass unnoticed, as I am committed to doing my part, however small, to help break the stigma associated with Mental Health. 

Longtime readers know that I am diagnosed with OCD, Health Anxiety, and General Anxiety Disorder. There was a time I wouldn't dream of typing those words or, Heaven forbid, saying them out loud. When my doctor would suggest a small dose of medication, I would politely refuse. If he were insistent, I tucked the sample dose into my drawer beneath my fuzzy socks. I could always control my intrusive thoughts: What if that noise was me running over someone back there?! I could control my anxiety, which led to my compulsions: I need to turn around and drive back to check, which gave me a brief sense of relief. That is the OCD Cycle, and until I turned forty and began menopause, I could live my life with only the smallest amount of distress. I could. Until I couldn't. 

There was a day several years ago when I became so paralyzed with panic over intrusive thoughts of everything from moles on my back to the fear of driving home from our camp that Steve took me to the Emergency Room. The next day, we went to see my family doctor. I finally opened up and poured out all the thoughts and fears I had inside, the ones I kept hidden for fear of being judged or labeled. And I am so thankful I did. I finally started on medication, and although the first one wasn't the proper one for me, it led me to the one that is. I realized that taking an SSI wouldn't change who I am. It only made the person I am better. I also started therapy with the most wonderful woman who listened to all my outlandish thoughts and unfounded fears. She taught me the skills and provided me with the tools and confidence to realize when my anxiety was acting up and how to accept it and allow it to be while I lived my beautiful life.

I now live an almost anxiety-free life. Of course, no life is completely anxiety-free. Please don't let anyone tell you there is. I am, however, better able to handle the times when anxiety pays me a visit. And it is because I refused to let fear keep me from getting the help I needed. I always say that if I ever discovered I was a diabetic, I would take the proper medication and follow my doctor's suggestions to control it. I wouldn't be ashamed or embarrassed. That would be ridiculous. Thankfully, as a society, we finally realize that caring for our mental health is as important as caring for our physical health. We are slowly stripping away the fear of judgment and shame. And isn't that great?!? 

Please know if you are suffering in silence, if you wake with a dark cloud above you, and if getting out of bed is a struggle for you, you are never alone. Many other people are suffering right there with you. Speaking up and telling your story may help someone more than you will ever know. And it will bring you strength, comfort, and peace. 

So, Happy Mental Health Awareness Month, my friends. Be happy, be accepting, and be healthy. You are never alone, I promise!

Have a lovely weekend!

Billie Jo

Google for the images.