August 28, 2024

Just Some Really Random Stuff Today

Hello! Welcome to Wednesday and a round-up of some really random things on my mind and my phone. 

First this. I have no recollection of why I took this photo. Most likely, it was a picture for a post about a delicious Italian recipe or because I couldn't remember what type of Olive oil I bought at the store. The world may never know.

Remember last week when I posted about the perfect, fallish, cooler weather we were having? Me either.

However, I can pretend it is a glorious autumn afternoon with a pumpkin spice iced coffee! McDonald's has them now, and because they will surely be out of them when fall actually arrives, I got one yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it.

And just a reminder to anyone who needs to hear it, anxiety sucks. It can make you feel like you are going crazy. It fills your mind with so much worry that you literally can't get out of bed. You miss the person you were before anxiety took a stronghold on you...all these things. I did, too. And if I may be so bold, I want to validate all those feelings. Yet, I also want to remind you there is hope. With help from loved ones, a doctor or therapist, commitment to the hard work required, compassion for yourself, and maybe medication, you will be able to move past this anxiety-filled time. You will be you again. Just so you know, I am here cheering you on!

Well, I need to get going with my day, although...

LOL! Have a wonderful Wednesday, my friends.

Billie Jo

( Pinterest for all the fun. )


  1. Happy Wednesday Billie Jo!! I love all the memes. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  2. Maybe you could work this winter in another lovely book similar to your other one which I love. Maybe one experiencing grown children with a retired husband and your homes. We all like feel good books or on the other hand, maybe a memoir about your anxiety journey to help others. You have much to say and blogs just don’t do it prayers Brenda

  3. i love all the quotes you chose! Especially the taco one and the last one. Yes, I do miss the person I was before worry and anxiety set in!! Ahh, the innocence of youth. Sometimes being young and not knowing very much can be a good thing. Almost 100 here today!!! Drink more pumpkin spice and pretend it is 50!

  4. Oh Billie Jo, I love your random posts. They make my heart smile. I love the laundry quote, that's so funny. I hope Fall comes to you soon. It's still warm here during the day, but it's chilly in the mornings. I just saw that taco quote somewhere recently, and loved it.

    I hope you have wonderful September days, my friend. Thank you for sharing a little random on your phone. This and that posts are my favorite.


  5. Thanks for the laughs, the smiles, and the wisdom. Especially enjoyed the graphic about fall having to stop to pick up summer. What a clever way to phrase it!

  6. I enjoyed my visit with you today friend. I have a member of my family who deals with anxiety and you are sucks. You are also right in the fact that there's hope. xx

  7. Drunk and smells like Pumpkin Spice! I love that! So funny. I don't suffer from anxiety although I know a few who do. Not fun. love your possitive vibes! Most excellent ❤️

  8. It was really cool here too, and now the heat is back! Love the memes today.

  9. My sentiments exactly on this wise post! Indoors, I'm pretending fall is close by. Happy Wednesday.

  10. Hi Billie Jo! Good post. I love the wise words about anxiety, and reply with a hearty Amen! The memes made me chuckle. I enjoyed reading your "random stuff." See you again soon.

  11. Billie Jo, you made me laugh out loud why fall would arrive late!!!! LOL!!! I enjoyed what you wrote and am glad you liked the iced pumpkin coffee. There is pumpkin spiced tea from Plum Deluxe tea company as well. I still have some, which I should drink soon. I just posted the photo of book I got from the gift card you gave me a few weeks ago. Take care and God bless you and family!!!====Becky

  12. Your meme about fall arriving late was hilarious. We had two wonderful days in the high 70"s and it's been well over 100 "feels like" temperature ever since. I'm not looking forward to winter, but a nice long fall would be nice.
    Blessings and hugs,

  13. A very timely post about anxiety and stress. I have been having one of those weeks when it seems that everything triggers anxiety and stress. Working on faith and hope thru my church. More pics of your fur babies would help too. They make me smile. Have a good day.

  14. Thank you for your prayers. My anxiety is high. Interesting post. I enjoyed it. That coffee sounds delicious. Take care.

  15. Lord, please help us all who are experiencing anxietyπŸ™πŸ» and thank you, Billie Jo, for reminding us it’s a thing we can get thru with help.
    Mmm, pumpkin spice at McDonald’s, huh?! I like the picture of the oils and vinegar…a still life ☺️
    Blessings ~

  16. Love the random my Friend! Lol And I'm glad I'm not the only one that finds pics and wonders why the heck I took it? 😁 Amen about the anxiety validation. Thank you for that!! And I think I heard the heavens open and play the hallelujah chorus when you mentioned having your first pumpkin spiced latte. Yay!! It's mere days now my Lovely. πŸŽπŸŽƒπŸ’› Blessings on your holiday weekend ahead. xoxo

  17. Billie Jo.....this was a fun and yet honest post. I know all too well about that "A" word. But I am so thankful for family, friends and HOPE. I know that there are blogging friends out there today, that needed to hear about HOPE. Pumpkin spiced Latte sure sounds good and even more so because of the rainy day we have had around here. I am so excited for Fall and all of the aromas of Fall to be coming around the corner. Blessings to you sweet friend.

  18. My husband suffers from anxiety. We have learned to live with it.

  19. Thank you for this post and for checking in on me. My blogging days are just few and far between. I will be looking back to check in on all of my blog friends. Sending HUGs and Prayers your way my friend.


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo