July 5, 2024

A Few Photos From The Fourth Of July 2024


Boating ~ Eating ~ Visiting ~ Raining ~ More Boating ~ More Eating ~ More Raining ~ Bed

I hope your Fourth of July was all you wanted it to be, my friends. The lake's celebration of Independence Day is tomorrow! While I used to throw a big fireworks-watching party every year with festive food, games, prizes, music, and more, I am now content and comfortable with a simple, cozy, low-key affair. There will be food, and me and my people, and Madison's fireworks-watching music playlist, of course. 

Have a wonderful weekend, my friends!
And if you are a new reader, welcome to my cozy corner of Blogland!

Billie Jo


  1. I enjoyed the pictures so much. The cake that Peyton made is incredible! I saw it yesterday when Madison posted it on IG. SO precisely done!

    I enjoyed the sidebar information about your second and first born...missed reading about the third and fourth. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend. xx

    1. Hello, my friend! You got me when I was still working on it! It's all done now!

  2. Thank you for explaining the different homes. I was always confused!

    1. No problem! I get confused myself sometimes!

  3. Looks so festive and fun! Enjoy the fireworks and cozy family time too. :) ❤️💙

  4. Hi Billie Jo! Looks like you all had a very nice 4th of July! Your food always looks so fun and delicious! I love that even your pups are patriotic! I hope you have a lovely, fun, cozy weekend. See you again soon!

  5. Your family, even all your dogs, are all so beautiful! And the cake is way too gorgeous to eat!

  6. Pups make any celebration more fun, and that cake! If I lived nearby, I'd be on your front porch with my fork in hand!!

  7. I love the photos. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  8. Looks like a very comfortable, happy July 4th. Love the flag cake!

  9. Looks like you had a great time on your Independence Day.
    Be well and always have such a good time!!

  10. Looks like fun times!! Low key feels better and better the older I get. LOL

  11. So nice seeing all the photos. I'd love a piece of that cake!! :)

  12. cutest little fur babies. Beautiful water on the lake and a sweet looking 4th of July cake. all of these things make for a great day....Low key sounds good to me!

  13. Look at those good looking kids - and cute fur babies! Looks like you had a great day!

  14. It looks like a lovely day! And that dessert is just gorgeous. I bet it was delicious!

  15. Awesome!!! Thanks for sharing, Have a beautiful day, Billie Jo.

  16. It sounds like a wonderful celebration!

  17. I have seen dozens of flag cakes in my life, but none as pretty as Peyton's!

  18. Beautiful, smiling faces – the perfect way to celebrate. And I am all for the simple small get togethers as well – I think once upon a time there were gatherings for football games or Halloween, but not anymore. keeping things simple so I can enjoy the moments - that’s most important to me now.

  19. That first photo of your doggy is so cute and looks so groomed. And Flynn's pup is darling. Peyton's dessert looks amazing, and so festive. I love her sweet smile. : ) I'm glad you got some rain. That's always a good thing. This is such a lovely post today, my friend. I enjoyed catching up.



Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo