June 24, 2024

Monday Morning Coffee

Happy Monday, my friends! How was your weekend? I hope it was happy, fun, quiet, or cozy, whatever you hoped it would be. I'd like to tell you our weekend was uneventful and cozy, and that would be true. Sort of. This may help.

This is what one corner of my bedroom should look like on any random summer afternoon.

Aaaannnnd, this is what it looks like now.

Yep. Lovely, right? 

So, yesterday morning, I was making my bed, and right before I placed the last pillow and smoothed the last wrinkle, I felt something wet. And squishy. And wet. And despite all the wishful thinking I could muster, I soon realized that something was water coming from a place you don't want water to be. The carpet. We discovered that a hose hookup on the deck right outside the window is apparently leaking. Luckily, we caught it before it could do too much damage, and while it looks distressing and depressing, it could have been much worse.

And I would know. Water damage is our thing. We have had a pipe burst in a finished basement in one house, a basement flooded twice in another, and a lovely bathroom pipe burst in the ceiling of the kitchen in another. Through the years, I have learned to deal with these unfortunate situations differently. I realize now that as inconvenient and stressful as they may be, I am dealing with something fixable and within my control. Many other things are much worse. 

Would I prefer not to have the carpet ripped up and a hole cut in my drywall today? Absolutely. Am I aware that some people are waking up today in much worse conditions and with much more distressing things on their minds? Yes. So, there you go, my friends. It isn't always sunshine and butterflies around here. Sharing the good and the not-so-good is reality. And before you think I was all Pollyanna about this, please know I had a moment yesterday. And then I grabbed some towels and got to work. 

Have a lovely Monday, my friends. Thanks for visiting!

Billie Jo


  1. I admire how you put what could cause you to totally loose your peace into a good perspective instead. I am so happy you caught it as early as you did. I have to say I love your beach theme on your blog! God bless you my dear friend. ~Juli

  2. Aaagh! I'm sorry you are dealing with this. Glad you have a good perspective about the whole thing though. I hope the clean up and fix up goes well.

  3. It's good that you can put things in perspective. I hope the fix goes smoothly. Happy Monday.

  4. Oh, I hate this for you. I'm definitely a "have a moment" type of person myself! Haha! Things like this send me into a tailspin and I just have to "get it all out" so I can move forward and think rationally. I'm so thankful you discovered it before it got much worse and hopefully the repairs will be finished quickly! Hang in there! Keep us posted on the progress!

  5. Oh my friend, I am so sorry! What a mess what a nightmare! I’m sending wishes for quick repairs from honest and hard workin people. And you need to know that I took a screenshot of your quote about gestures and sent it to two friends who can relate, it will make their day! I am sitting down now to make phone calls in search of repairmen. It truly is always something. You need a trip to the nearest Starbucks or Dunkin’ before the day is over!

  6. Have a lovely day my friend. I love your coffee mug.

  7. Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! I know how stressful those situations can be. I usually have my moment and then get busy doing what I can. Thank you for the reminder!

  8. Water where it shouldn’t be is always distressing. Good luck with it, Billie Jo!

  9. *Ugh* the luxury of owning a home /sarcasm. I am sorry for the water damage. I dislike expenses like that but tis life. I am glad ya'll caught it early though! Drink some coffee/or tea and breathe. Hopefully your carpet needed to be redone? (I am trying to think of a possible blessing in disguise). I think this is an excuse to order some Fall items to spark some joy from the mundane and household problems ;) <3

  10. You have a great attitude about this. so how will you fix it and dry the carpet? Tell me about The Flower Sisters. I glanced at it on Amazon and it looks so good! Maybe post a review?

  11. Hi Billie Jo! I love your perspective. I will have to look up that book you are reading. I think we like similar kinds of books. I hope your carpet dries out and your week goes well! See you again soon!

  12. I love your perspective on the situation and you are right, it could be worse. I'm sure there are people who wish that was their only problem ... but still, not a fun way to spend the day. Hoping the repair goes smoothly.

  13. Oh no! I hope it's soon sorted. Xx

  14. Billie Jo, ugh. Our waterbed sprung a leak back in the day...which turned out a-okay, because I was tired of it and wanted a "real" bed anyway. Our camper is a hybrid, two of our girls stayed in it with us Saturday night, and that bunk was soaked in the corners when we went to fold it up this morning...but Camille remembered that Emily had the windows unzipped during the rain...hope that's the issue, and we don't have any serious leaks! It's our first summer with it, and honestly, when we saw the water, I felt like OH NO!!!! I had to really work with it to not stay in such a despair, seriously, because the camper is older, and used, and ugh. But Paul is pretty quick with a solution, says we can fix it no problem...turns out it probably isn't an issue at all...so glad I didn't get really upset! Life isn't sunshine and rainbows, but hopefully you'll get nice new flooring! :)

  15. Oh, so sorry you are dealing with this! And good for you for keeping your perspective, even if it takes a few minutes to collect yourself! haha

  16. Oh no! What is it with you and water damage?! It follows you.
    Think of it as a christening of the new house! :)You are handling it like a pro! This too shall pass!
    Love you!! xo

  17. I do like how you are able to put it into perspecitve, no matter how frustrating it is to you. Anything like that is upsetting. I know it will all be better than new when you are finished with the repairs.

  18. On oh not fun. But like you said it could be a lot worse!!

  19. Oh no. After living through a flooded basement just a few months ago, I feel for you. Hopefully it can all get taken care of quickly and painlessly.

  20. Hello my Friend! So sorry about your carpet predicament. But you sure have the best attitude about it and I'm happy it will be fixed up soon. :) Sorry I've been MIA. We were on a family trip out of the country. Quite the adventures! Very special, but there truly is no place like home. Blessings on the rest of your week. xoxo

  21. Oh no! There are very few things that feel as bad as wet carpet. Especially when it's a surprise! You have a great attitude about it though. I hope it's all repaired soon.

  22. Household emergencies and car emergencies always throw me for a loop. I react first and then calm down later. But you're so right! It's fixable, when so many other things might not be. Here's hoping your Wednesday is going to be relaxing and calm :)


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo