June 12, 2024

Did You Ever

Think this was the very best Christmas present when you were too old for toys?

Get so excited to wear these to school until you found out they were not allowed because of the stairs?

Love this cake, but wonder what that grainy filling actually was?

Search for the perfect pattern to go with the shoes you weren't allowed to wear?

Wonder why all of your friends had these same glasses you weren't allowed to use?

Think the Velcro strip made these sneakers extra cool?

Wear this blouse on the first day of school, even though it was eighty-five degrees outside?

Find one of these in your Christmas stocking and wear it all day, but never use it again because you lost it and then couldn't remember if it was yours or your sister's when you found it again?

Or was that just me??

Happy Wednesday, my friends!
And thanks to Google for all the memories.

Billie Jo



  1. This was a nice blast from the past. Who didn't love all of these things?

  2. Sometimes, your mom has a dose of nostalgia and gets you Love's Baby Soft for Christmas. (It was my mom. This past Christmas.)

  3. An interesting combination. I'm from Polish and I only associate sneakers and glasses. I would also add a Barbie doll.

  4. I can remember in the 8th grade wearing a cotton blazer, matching skirt and a turtleneck the first full day of school because it was a cool new fall outfit. Unfortunately I was in school that first day, in Alabama pre-Labor Day, and it was probably 95 degrees. Smart move on my part!

  5. I never had the blouse but everything else is a great memory. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!

  6. Many smiles to this post, Billie Jo.

  7. So many memories you shared. Thank you.

  8. I LOVE this, and remember them ALL! I still buy the girls Lip Smackers at Christmas. And how I loved Baby Soft. A few years ago, I actually saw some in a drug store. they are probably not being sold now. I HAD these glasses!!

  9. I love this! I remember them all!

  10. I liked the roller bottles of clear flavored lip gloss...I had clogs like that, plain smooth leather, and I was allowed to wear them to school, with my cowl necks with those stickpins....sometimes I used a few earrings as stick pins too...the blouse, yes, a dress like that too!

    1. stick pins! I almost forgot about those! I love these trips down memory lane. FYI - a few years ago I found a site that sold those Kissing Potion roller lip gloss, and bought them for all my friends for Xmas - and the next year I did the solid lipgloss that was in a little tin with a slider top, remember those?

  11. Oh I remember all of those! I had the clogs with the fringe, and was obsessed with those big lip smackers! ( I can still smell the watermelon!)

  12. Oh Yes, I remember wearing those Fall plaid clothes on the first day of school when it was still hot out. And I remember Love's Baby Soft gift boxes. And I also remember those lip glosses. It was plain Vaseline for us girls in the 70's, and we used to smack our lips together and shine! haha. What a fun and wonderful post, Billie Jo! It's always so nice to look back and see all the fun things we did and wore back in the day. Thank you for the memories!

    Enjoy these Summer days.


  13. I wanted a blouse like that so bad right after I had my first child. But too poor, and it was then that I discovered fast fashion. That blouse was out in less than a year and I have not looked at fast fashion since.

  14. Oh my goodness - such memory lane!! Yes to so many of those for me. I especially feel nostalgia over the perfume, bonnie bell, and I had those exact clogs and thought I was so cool! Lol 😁 Love when you find these treasures. :)


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo