August 2, 2023

Happy 11th Birthday, Little Blog! And A Giveaway!

Eleven Years? Wow! When I began blogging so many years ago, I had no idea the positive impact it would have on my life. I am thankful for this place where I can share, save, and document the important and ordinary days of our lives. I have made many special friends; some I have met in person, others I feel as if I have. To celebrate eleven years of blogging, I am sharing one random photo from each year. My, life passes quickly!













Also, in honor of YOU, my friends, I am having a fun little giveaway to thank you for reading and sharing all these years. If you want to enter to win one of five gift Amazon, one Yankee Candle, and three Dunkin'...simply leave a comment below. I will randomly select the winners and post them Friday. Please enter by 12:00 AM Friday, August 4, 2023. Thank You, my friends!



  1. This is so special! I love seeing all the pictures through the years! Happy Blog Birthday! I'm glad you're here : )

  2. Hello from England! I have just found your lovely blog so feel a bit cheeky if I win your giveaways! Congratulations xxxx

  3. Such a Lovely Family. I too having some mental insecurity and love how honest you are about yours. Sometimes it can be very lonely. God Bless

  4. Just love your blog. My Mother also is in a loving caring home and I thank God for them everyday. Just love to read your post it just brings me such peace.

  5. Love the pictures! It is a great way for your readers to visualize 11 years!

  6. I am also like you and I can't wait for fall. I was so excited for August to come because I can pull out my early fall decorations. I love your pictures and your decorating ideas. AND your seasonal mugs.

  7. Happy Blog Anniversary!! Such a sweet post and I loved seeing you and your beautiful family over the years. the one of your Mom in her Halloween costume is so awesome. We're getting close to the best seasons of the year...Fall and Winter and I am SO excited as I know you are.

  8. Happy 11th blogging anniversary! Loved the pictures - what changes!

  9. Awwww. your blog and love your book.

  10. HaPpY bLoG bIrThDaY!!! I so enjoyed this post, seeing your family as they grew up over the past 11 years. Here's to another 11 years of fun and memories!
    Blessings and hugs,

  11. I feel like I know you! And one day, I am going to come east and we will sit and watch The Brady Bunch together. It will be glorious! Happy birthday to your blog, I am so glad to know you through it.

  12. Happy 11 th Anniversary on your blog! You have a lovely family.

  13. I'm so glad I found your blog and then read your book :) I look forward to every post and enjoy seeing your sweet family every week, through your stories. Congratulations on 11 years of sharing! Here's to many more!!

  14. Happy Birthday to AC&ET!! Your blog is always such a welcoming place to come to. Wishing you many more happy years of blogging:)

  15. Oh, all the pictures are wonderful. I especially loved the ones of your children when they were small. Children are so very special. How sweet that Peyton is teaching Flynn to bake at a young age. The gingerbread house is cute too. We meet so many dear people here in blog land, and I'm thankful I got to meet such a lovely person in you. The giveaway sounds great. Your Yankee candles are always so heartwarming to see.


  16. Congratulations on 11 years! I always find it bittersweet looking back at the beginning of my blog and seeing all the changes time has brought. It was sweet back then, life is still sweet, but different. :)

    Loved seeing your pictures. And what a generous giveaway! I'm sure the winner will be happy.


  17. Love seeing a bit of precious memory from each year! I'm so grateful that we found each other in blogland. I love this sweet blog so much Billie Jo! But I especially love our blogland friendship. I appreciate it beyond measure. Blessings. xoxo 💗

  18. Love all these pictures! One constant in all the years is the love and happiness that comes shining through the lens. Congratulations on 11 years.

  19. Well done! Eleven years of posting is quite a feat!

  20. I would love to be entered into the giveaway. I am a longtime reader of your blog and just love how you make it okay to love being a homebody. I feel guilty loving being at home, but you inspire me.

  21. I absolutely love your blog and am a long time reader. Your love of family, holidays and simple things is inspiring to me.
    Love ..Jenny in NC

  22. What a nice giveaway! I also like seeing all the comments for new blogs to check out :)

  23. What wonderful photos. I bet you had trouble trying to select just one from each year! You are so generous!!

  24. Oh my goodness! I remember when you started and have enjoyed following you all along! You are the sweetest!

  25. Loved those photos. Your kids were so little when you started blogging! You truly have a beautiful family. Congratulations on 11 years!

  26. Congratulations! Happy 11th! That’s quite an accomplishment. Sweet family photos throughout the years, so nice to look at all those smiling faces. Thank you for doing the giveaway. Always fun to see who wins. Have a great day and enjoy the rest of your week.

  27. Things change so quickly! Congratulations on 11 yrs.

  28. I always look forward to your lovely blog! What a beautiful family you have! Congratulations on 11 years of blogging!

  29. Wow, look how little your kids were when you first started blogging! The years go by so quickly! Congratulations on 11 years of blogging! That is certainly some dedication!

  30. I like reading your blog. Lovely family photos. Good memories. I forget to remember when my blog came up. 2009. I had to look it up! FYI= no Donkin donuts in our area. No candles in my house as I have a diffuser with YL essential oils. Have a good week!!

  31. Oh, Just look at your sweet family over the years. Such happy memories, with many more to be made.
    Congratulations on 11 years blogging! That's an amazing achievement. Xx

  32. So many beautiful memories! Thank you for sharing your life with us❤️ Sheesh, I have followed you for so many years now from.. Each day I have sat with my coffee in the morning & read your blog. You truly have been a constant in my life and your passion for simple homemaking & family has been a source of encouragement & comfort to me over the years. Thank you for that❤️

  33. Congratulations on 11 years of blogging. It's my first time visiting your blog, and I was happy to meet your family through all your beautiful photos. I too have been blogging for about 11 years and feel blessed to have documented so many of my recipes ( for my family to have) and our life events! It's a fun hobby. It must have been fun to go back and look at all your wonderful memories!

  34. I do so look forward to reading your entries on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday! I feel as if I know you and that we could be friends. I have found several other bloggers by reading yours and have all of them bookmarked for quick reference. Your writing is encouraging and inspiring!

  35. Congratulations on your blogging anniversary. What a fun way to commemorate the occasion with a picture for each year. Your family is beautiful. Here's to many more happy years of blogging.

  36. Happy blogiversary! So much fun to look back through all those years.
    I've been cleaning up my archives (have been restoring them after quitting and then restarting my blog) and it was a major trip through memory lane.

    1. Oops, that was me. Also, please don't include me in the giveaway, I wouldn't be able to use those giftcards here.

  37. Oh my friend...look at those sweet faces over the years! Where does the time go, so glad I discovered your blog!
    It does my heart good to see those smiling faces and read about your son is heading back to college in a couple weeks, it's been a joy to have him here. I keep trying to remember you telling readers it's "okay" when they grow up and that is a new kind of joy as they're adults. It still feels hard some days.

    Time for some chocolate - it solves all worries! Hugs, Mary

  38. Happy Blog Birthday! I love the little peeks into your life that you share. Love the pictures. It is crazy how time flies!

  39. Happy birthday to your blog! Love seeing the photos from years gone by!

  40. Billy! I need to join so I am not anonymous and also post more because life is short and we should chat more with people we like!! I have followed you for years. Mostly on instagram and you followed me back too and it was such an honor to me. I left IG a few years ago because most social media is overwhelming to me. I have four children like you and I am all things autumn/Halloween. In fact, I just ordered some crochet pumpkins for a three tier tray and a new Halloween garden flag even tho it is august. My husband looked at me like “really” 😂. Anyway, I think you’re fabulous and I love your simplicity and humor. Blessings, Brooke

    1. Apparently, I had started setting it up some time ago and never finished xD

  41. Congrats on the anniversary! I have been a reader for awhile now and have loved seeing your family grow and change. I am so glad you still do blog as so many have stopped over the years. I am a huge Halloween fan as well and purchased the orange Slay all Day shirt after you shared it once. Thanks for continuing to share with us.

  42. No need to enter my name in the giveaway. I just wanted to congratulate you on your 11th anniversary, and to thank you for always inspiring me (and others) to take the time to celebrate life and enjoy the holidays! God bless! :)

  43. What beautiful pictures! I loved the look back in time. You have a beautiful family and home. Happy Anniversary to your blog! Ellen

  44. Congratulations on your 11th anniversary! I love reading about you and your beautiful family! Thank you so much for offering this giveaway.

  45. Thank you for being here🤍 Together is a beautiful place to be🤍 @goodvibesonlywithlove my IG🤍

  46. Hi Billie Jo, Congratulations on 11 years of blogging. Your family are a credit to you and Steve. Thanks for the joy you bring. Colleen, from New Zealand

  47. Happy Blog Birthday! I enjoyed all your pictures. I really like the one of you and your mom and furbaby. I started my blog at my first website that I still have up. I blogged from 1992 through 2020. Then I went to Blogger. My webhome has over 300 pages. New bloggers did not know how to work inline frames. Happy Friday!

  48. OH WOW HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I have enjoyed your blog for this long? WOW...smiles

  49. Such a sweet look back at the memories on your blog. I have enjoyed watching your family grow. God bless you all. Congratulations Billie Jo love, Row.

  50. Happy Belated Bloggiversary! Your photos are adorable. Thank you for your kindness.

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Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo