July 26, 2023

Goodnight, Kirby

We said goodnight to our Kirby yesterday afternoon. Although we knew it was coming, we were unprepared for how heartwrenching it would be. Kirby has been a part of our family for fifteen years, longer than Flynn has been alive. He was more than a pet, more than a dog. Kirby was an essential part of our family, and he will be missed every single day. 

Yesterday our entire family spent the afternoon with him in his favorite place, here at home. He ate his favorite thing ever, pumpkin bread, and snuggled with Steve all afternoon. Our vet is the most compassionate doctor ever and came to our home so Kirby could be comfortable and at peace. He was indeed, and after each of us said goodnight, Kirby was free from his pain and confusion. We are left to grieve him, and as one who has never lost a pet, I am learning how very difficult that is.

We are comforted by the fifteen years of memories and the many pictures we have of him throughout the years. Thank you, Kirby, for your friendship, loyalty, and love. Thank you for being there through so many chapters of our lives, both happy and sad. You were Daddy's best friend, and the bond you two had will never be replaced. You were more than a pet to all the kids, sharing a special relationship with each one. And you were Mocha's partner in crime. You loved the color orange, socks, pumpkin bread, opening presents, Kraft cheese slices, and being in family pictures. You were and will always be King Kirby. We miss you, Kirby. Goodnight. Sleep tight.

Thank you for visiting, my friends.
I am always glad you do.



  1. I'm so sorry about Kirby! We have lost so many pets and each one still carries a special place in our heart and memories. He was precious.

  2. Oh friend! It is so very hard to say goodbye to our pups. I am especially thinking of Steve and Peyton this morning. But praying for you all to find small comforts.

  3. Rest in peace, Kirby. I'm so glad I got to see him last weekend. He was such a sweet pup. Hugs to all of you during this time ♥

  4. The picture of Kirby on your husband's lap - he was the happiest dog in the world! I'm sorry for the loss of such a sweet dog, and may your family find comfort in memories of your time with him.

  5. RIP Kirby! It is heartbreaking when we loose them. Hugs to you and the family. Remember all the love and joy he brought.

  6. I'm sorry for your loss. Kirby will be surely missed by his family who loved him so much.

  7. I am so sorry for your loss! What a lucky family and lucky dog to have those 15 years!

  8. So sorry for your loss of dear Kirby. It's never easy to say good bye to our fur babies. Hugs to you and your family.

  9. I am so very sorry! Awww, what a beautiful tribute to him! He was so adorable and loyal. We have lost many pets, and it never gets easier. You were so brave to put him out of his misery so he could finally go over Rainbow Bridge and be free and happy.

  10. I'm so sorry to hear about your precious Kirby. Pets soon become part of our lives. These are sweet pictures to always look back on. Isn't that something that he loved the color orange.....and pumpkin bread! Thinking of you today, Billie Jo, and sending a comforting hug to you with love.


  11. Sorry 😞 for loss of your adorable dog Kirby. I enjoyed seeing his face on your posts. My sister's dog had to be put down as she was in a lot of pain a few months ago. Good memories though. You all are in my prayers. -Becky

  12. Sorry for your loss. Pets are such a big part of our lives. Hoping you remember all the good memories with him.

  13. I'm so sorry for your loss! Wishing you and yours all the strength you need.
    I do love that quote though, so true!

  14. I am so sorry. Losing a pet is so devastating to the entire family. It's obvious that Kirby was well loved and very loving himself. I think the smile on his face says it all. He was one lucky pup and you were blessed to have his love in your life. I'll be praying for you.
    Blessings and hugs,

  15. Crying as I read this dear Friend. 😒 I am so sorry for all of your loss. I can't even comprehend the day when I will lose my Ruby. They become the bestest, sweetest, most loyal little pals and family members. I empathize and have lost a few in my life. It hurts the heart with its own special grief to lose a furry baby. Biggest hugs to you all and especially to Steve. Prayers for comfort and I believe you will all see King Kirby on the rainbow bridge one day. πŸ™

  16. I am so sorry...I know the hurt you're all feeling. They're just such a big part of our families I'll be thinking of you...take care of yourself, hugs, Mary

  17. Billie Jo, I'm so sorry to hear about sweet Kirby. I've been through the same thing with a pet, so I know how it feels to lose one. I'll be praying for peace and comfort for you and your family during this time. And I'm here if you need to chat. Take care, my friend. Thinking of you.

  18. Oh, Billie Jo, I am so sorry! I have been the route of losing a beloved fur baby, so I know how much you are hurting. We lost our Nikki in 2013, at the age of 15 years and 6 weeks. Our Ginger is now just 2 months shy of 15 years, so we know our time with her is fleeting, and the thought is grievous. May your memories of sweet Kirby comfort you and bring smiles to your heart, even as you grieve his passing.

  19. I am so sorry for your loss. It is so hard to lose a part of your heart. Prayers for you.

  20. I’m so sorry for your loss. My parents just went through the same thing a couple of weeks ago with their dog. She was 17 years old. ❤️ It hurts so bad having to say goodbye, I’ll be praying for you all.

  21. It’s so hard when pets die, we just want to love them and hold them forever. Praying for you and your family during this heartbreaking time. Certainly God who created Kirby and loved him first has brought him to the unimaginable joy of Heaven with God. You will see Kirby again. I’m sure that the Lord is pleased with the love, compassion and kindness that you gave to Kirby.

    1. What a beautiful comment, I like to believe the same thing for my Luna and for all other dogs

  22. I'm so sorry you have lost your dear Kirby. Sending you hugs, my friend.

  23. What a sweet and precious post. I am so sorry for this painful loss. God bless and comfort you all!

  24. What a lovely tribute to your sweet Kirby! He brought such joy! Sending a hug across the miles!

  25. Hello BJ,we are so sorry for your loss. I know its hard to let Kirby go because he was more than a family to you all. How precious he must be. Sending hugs.πŸ«‚

  26. Oh BillieJo - I'm crying over here. I'm so very sorry. Our pets become part of the family and losing them is so hard. Glad you were able to spend the special time with him and love on him.

  27. I'm so sorry for your loss. It is so tough to lose those furry family members. Prayers for comfort for you and the rest of your family.

  28. I know your loss is profound, but you all loved him enough to let him go.

  29. I am so sorry, having lost a child and a beloved pet, I can tell you that the grief is profound. But you will have all the happy memories of Kirby and the grief will abate. Hugs to you and your family.

  30. I am sorry for your loss. It's amazing how our pets become one of the family making it so very hard to say goodbye. I know that I will never eat pumpkin bread again without thinking of Kirby's sweet little face. Hugs to you and your family.

  31. I am sorry about Kirby's passing. Thinking of you and your family during this time. Kirby will always reside in your hearts and your memories.

  32. Oh Billy Jo;

    Kim and I are so sad for you. We love our Pets they just do not stay in the world as long as we do. Remember... All good Dogs (pets) go to heaven!

  33. I’m so sorry. What a sweet cutie Kirby was, and I know he brought you all many happy times. It’s never easy losing a pet. Thinking of y’all and praying for comfort as y’all adjust. ♥️

  34. So sorry for the loss of your furbaby. We have lost two and it is so hard. Take the time you need to grieve. That is so nice the vet came to your house.

  35. Dearest Billie Jo,
    Yes, we know exactly how that feels for losing a beloved family member—at least that's what they are to us!
    Glad you had an equally kind vet that came to your home, just as we had for our Mauzie girl when she had cancer.
    Big all around hug,

  36. Billie jo Jean and I have had dogs ever since we have been married. And there is no easy way. It is hard to lose a close friend. Make sure you get another fur baby. Take care rob

  37. Oh dear friend, I am SO sorry to read about Kirby:( Such a sweet little one and I know your entire family will miss him and cherish the memories. Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!

  38. Billie Jo I am so very sorryπŸ’” Our pets truly are like family & hope you and your family can find comfort in all the special memories that were made! Sending prayers & hugs my friend! Love Lisa aka (hotcoffee4lisa)

  39. Oh boy that was tough I am so very sorry my friend. Love Row.


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo