January 30, 2023

Monday Morning Coffee Talk

Good Monday morning, on what seems to be the twenty-seventh Monday of January this year, but who's counting?! I hope your weekend was restful and fun, productive and cozy, or maybe a mix of all those things. Since I last saw you, I have had an appointment with an audiologist, as my hearing is not as sharp as it used to be. Fortunately...or not...my results concluded that my hearing was indeed fine, and I may need to pay better attention when listening! The weather was a bit sketchy, so I rode in with Steve, who had a physical therapy appointment around the same time. This is the photo I sent to my kids, sharing what a date looks like when you have been married for almost thirty-two years. Morning rides to appointments!

And because of my stellar performance at the ear doctor, I finished pretty early, so I phoned my super son-in-law working nearby to see if he could give me a ride home. He was kind enough to do so and even stopped for coffees on the way.

Saturday was a catch-up on all things around the house day for me. I sat at the kitchen table, wrote a meal plan, made grocery orders, and completed lesson plans. I got out Valentine's decorations that made me miss Christmas a bit less and caught up on enough laundry that I can now see the floor in my bathroom. We watched a beautiful mass on television too. 

Yesterday, we all gathered in a room in my mom's assisted living facility for a little surprise party to celebrate the most wonderful woman I know on her 86th Birthday, which she celebrates today! My sister Margie and her husband Chris joined us for gifts and cake, and Mom was very happy! She smiled and laughed the entire time. We gifted her a pair of slip-on sneakers, a soft cuddle throw blanket, and a beautiful new bag to attach to her walker. Peyton made the most delicious cake, and we all shared happy and funny memories together, 

It was the perfect way to celebrate this amazing woman I call Mom. I said to my children as we were waiting for her to arrive that eighty-six years ago, my mom was a tiny newborn baby. Her mother cared for her child, planning special celebrations for each passing year. She may not have considered that years later, people she will have never met will celebrate that baby for her as the circle of life continues.

My mother has one remaining sibling, her younger brother Jim. He messaged me with the most beautiful Birthday wish for Mom, and she was so very happy when I read it to her; tears welled in her eyes. Uncle Jim also sent along a picture of the two of them. It is so beautiful and a reminder that long before she was Mom and Grandma, she was a little girl playing in the snow with her baby brother.

Have a wonderful day, my friends. 

Thanks for visiting!

Billie Jo


  1. Glad your appointment went well! What a beautiful party for your mother and how special to get to share a message from her brother. Loved the photo at the end. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. Glad things went well at your appointment. Happy Birthday to your Mother. What you said to your children was so so very sweet and so true. Life evolves. Have a great week Billie Jo!!

  3. Glad your appointment went well.
    I love the celebration for your mom, and your thoughts of her as a baby. I never thought about that.
    It looks like she greatly enjoyed it, and you know as a mom, that just having your family around is such a blessing!

  4. Oh this just brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart. I love that you could gather and celebrate your mom so well. How beautiful is the thought that someday, people we will never meet, will continue to celebrate those we love now?! I am also glad to read that your hearing has checked out well, how kind of Nicolas to come get you!

  5. I love your thoughts about your mom, and how her mother never knew the future people who would love her. That just warms my heart. And the photo of her with her brother us precious. Your mom looks great, by the way, and so happy. So glad your appointment went well.

  6. I’m so glad you had a good appointment and got to celebrate your mom! She looks fantastic! I know she enjoyed having you all there. Moms are such a blessing!

  7. LOL πŸ˜† on dates when you’re “grown up”, shall we say?
    What a wonderful celebration for your Mom’s birthday. She is surrounded by love and caring family. Her cake looks wonderful! She is a very blessed woman.
    I like your Valentine’s sweaterπŸ’˜

  8. Hi Billie Jo~ What a beautiful birthday celebration for a beautiful woman! I have to admit, your post brought a tear to my eye as I remembered my own mother. The photo of your mom as a baby and her brother also touched my heart...so precious. I think we do tend to forget that long before we were here, they were young, vibrant, loved, cuddled and cared for by a loving mother. Now it's your turn, and you and your family do it beautifully! Congrats on the good report on your hearing! Have a great start to your week! Hugs, Barb

  9. Happy Birthday to your mom. Peyton looks just like her.

  10. Happy Birthday to your beautiful Mother. What a wonderful party and super sweet family you have! Hugs to you all, Diane

  11. Another wonderful post...I so love that it's always "family first" when I stop by...that's exactly as it should be! The photo of your mom & her brother is so sweet...one to hold on to, I love the innocence of it! Enjoy the week, Mary

  12. It looks like a wonderful birthday celebration. Happy birthday to your sweet mom.

  13. Wonderful post, Billie Jo. I loved all the family pictures, especially the one of your lovely mother with her two wonderful daughters. Seriously, it made me a little emotional to see your family, altogether celebrating the life of a loving and caring mom. I am so glad you could all get together for this family party. The old pictures of your mom with her baby brother is certainly priceless. So glad your hearing test went well. It's great that you had such a memorable weekend.

  14. I had to giggle at your "date" :) This is what marriage really looks like after 30+ years! And what a sweet celebration for your mom. Have a wonderful week!

  15. You are so lucky to have your mom still here and able to celebrate! What a great day.

  16. A lovely ode to your mother!

  17. First of all - love the look of your blog right now! So sweet. ♥️ And this was a wonderful post of family, memories, celebrations and all the things that help us get through these long winters. May your week ahead be so blessed dear Friend! And Happy Belated Birthday to your beautiful Mom! πŸŽ‚ πŸ’

  18. Happy birthday to your beautiful Mom! What a special celebration and the message from her brother was such a gift to her heart. You have a beautiful family. I love the picture of you and your husband. I love your cute Valentines day sweater! Hugs to you dear friend.

  19. Your blog is always a joy to visit, and your mama seemed so pleased. She looks well, too. The pic of your "date" is so funny and so accurate. I'm glad your hearing is okay!

  20. She looks so happy! God bless her!! Happy birthday to your sweet beautiful Mom!
    That picture is precious!
    Glad your appointment went well! Check that off the list too! : )
    Happy February my friend! Stay cozy! xoxo

  21. Happy Birthday to your Mom! She is beautiful and I know that smile was because she was surrounded by loved ones on her special day. LOVE your header, makes me want to get my Valentine decorations out. I am a bit behind in everything! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  22. A beautiful post. Your mom is blessed with so much love surrounding her. How wonderful that so many could gather for her 86th birthday.

  23. Happy Birthday to your dear Mom. The Birthday cake looks fantastic and Yummy! And what a treasured photo of her and her brother in the snow.


    *oh, your Valentine Header is so delightful. It put a big smile on my face. : )

    1. ps.....I'm glad your hearing appt. went well. Hearing is such an important and special thing in our lives.


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo