May 20, 2021

Random And Rhett

First off, forgive me for the constant change around here. A few years ago, I decided to use a new blog design so I wouldn't have to change the background all the time. Turns out, I like changing the background all the time. Who knew? Summer has arrived here in Pennsylvania, seemingly bypassing spring, but we take what comes, right? Warm weather lends itself to impromptu ice cream runs where beautiful sunsets are seen, lighter summertime meals eaten out on the deck, and coffee dates with my people.

In other news, my one and only son turns NINETEEN today!!!! That precious little bundle of joy that brought a splash of blue into our house full of pink is nineteen. This young man is awesome. He is sensitive like his mom, outgoing like his dad, hilarious like his grandpa, and happy like his grandma. He is best friends with each of his sisters and always calls to let me know where he is and when he will be home. He loves movies and Taco Bell, his lovely girlfriend Kyrstin, fancy sneakers, and strawberry pie. 

Happy Birthday, Rhett.
Mommy loves you!

Have a cozy weekend, my friends!



  1. Happy birthday to Rhett!!!! I love all these photos and also your blog look! Changing backgrounds with the seasons is very YOU : ) Have a wonderful day and birthday celebration! Love you!! xoxo

  2. Happy birthday Rhett!!! I have been away from my computer for a while, so I have a lot to catch up on! I love visiting your blog and seeing what you and your beautiful family are up to! Hugs to you. ~Juli

  3. Happy birthday, Rhett! 19 is such a good age to be...

  4. Happy Birthday Rhett. I love the baby photo!

  5. Happy birthday, Rhett!

  6. Happy birthday, Rhett!

  7. Thank you for the simpler layout! Enjoy your blog, and HAPPY birthday to Rhett!

  8. Happy Birthday Rhett! πŸ₯³ Where did the time go?

  9. First of all, I love your background. I like to change often too. Happy Birthday to Rhett and hope he enjoyed the day. Liked seeing all your pictures of your family too.

  10. Happy birthday and many, many more Rhett. That first picture of Rhett as a baby. He was soooooo cute!!

  11. Happy 19th Birthday Rhett! Great pictures of your Son, then and now. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  12. Happy 19th to Rhett! Ahh.. to be 19 again! Hope he having the best time of his life. I have enjoyed watching your children grow over the years! Can you believe my Ava just turned 15 yrs old?! Time flies! God bless your Rhett!

  13. Oh my Dear! What a delightful Blog Look and Blog Set Up you have!!! -smile-

    It is fun, to change our Blog Look!!!!!! I'm so glad you discovered this. And what a bright and pretty Look you have, at the moment. -smmmmile-

    Yes, Summer has arrived!

    What lovely photos! Lovely memories. And Happy Birthday to your handsome son!

    🌱🌺🌱"Blogs are little First Amendment machines."🌱🌺🌱

  14. First, I love the new background! And wow, I didn't realize our sons shared the same birthday!? My oldest turned 20 yesterday. I know 3 other people with that birthday as well (all great, of course). Happy Belated Birthday To Rhett! Let's trade weather, I'll take the summer and you can have this rainy fall like stuff we're getting. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

  15. I love this blog look - so lovely and simple - I think so many bloggers went for a new modern look but I love a blog that looks like this and reminds me of simple days - just blogging sweet things from our days

  16. I hope you had a great weekend celebrating Rhett. What a treasure of a young man he is!!

  17. Great post! I envy you your young family! He was a cutie when he was little and still is!πŸ’–

  18. Oh, it got to me when you said Mommy loves you. Sons and Mothers have such a special relationship. Rhett has a wonderful smile, and it's so nice that he is close to all his sisters. I remember seeing this picture of you and him when he was a baby. That is the sweetest thing. So many good memories for you, Billie Jo, and many more special moments to come with your son.



Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo