March 22, 2021

Monday Morning Coffee


Good Monday morning! I hope your weekend was bright and sunny or cozy and quiet, whatever you wished it to be. I am here in my usual morning spot, staring out at the lake, sipping my coffee. I am drinking Dunkin Original Blend with Pumpkin Spice Creamer out of an Easter mug because as much as I love spring, autumn will always have my heart. Or because they still had some at the store, and I couldn't pass it up. 

Yesterday Steve and I had our weekly pick ~up ~the ~groceries date, and as I was sipping my iced coffee, I sent a quick text to a dear blogger friend just to let her know I was thinking of her. She promptly replied with this:

Isn't that funny?! Danielle is a wonderful friend I literally met through blogging. We have met in person several times, and our families will be forever friends. This place brings people together that otherwise we would never know. I have met and/or plan on meeting with several amazing women through this platform. If you want to visit their blogs, I will link them right here!

We ended the weekend with our first open-top Jeep ride of the season. And then, this 51-year-old woman went to sleep with her brand new Snoopy Easter sheets. Be who you are, my friends. This is me! Have a blessed, cozy, happy Monday. Thanks for visiting. I am always so glad you do.


  1. Good Morning! Miss you!! Cheers to a new week! (also LOVE those sheets & you! ) xx

  2. Love the Easter sheets! So fun. Hope you have a wonderful new week!

  3. Find Joy wherever we can! And you do! Hooray you!!!!! -smile-

    Open air drive! Yesssssss!

    Thank you for the blog links. It's always lovely to pop in, to see new-to-you blogs.


  4. Blogging sure has been great over the years and I've been blessed to make some good friends too. Love your new sheets! They are adorable! And you are so YOUNG...I have kids your age!

  5. I am smiling, just loved the snoopy bed sheets, such fun.

  6. Oh, I am head over heels over those snoopy sheets!!!!

  7. Hi Billie Jo- I do love those sheets. They are so fun. I agree that women who blog are amazing - I have also "met" many good friends through blogging, including you! Hope you have a great week.

  8. I love the Snoopy sheets! I would totally sleep on those with no shame whatsoever.
    I agree, blogging give us the opportunity to "meet" so many wonderful people we'd never know otherwise.
    Have a blessed and lovely week!

  9. The Snoopy sheets are cute and so you! ❤️ And I love little Miss Mocha’s festive collar!

  10. I love your Snoopy sheets! One day, hopefully I can join the ranks of real life bloggy friends. We will watch The Bachelor and movies and play games and drink coffee. :)

  11. Such a lovely way to begin your morning, with a view of the lake! So wonderful to get out and explore with your open-top Jeep! The Snoopy sheets look so fun! I too have been so very blessed by the blogging women in my life. It's a true joy and delight to share our lives in such a special way :) Always enjoy your blog and pictures! Many blessings to you :)

  12. Those Snoopy sheets are so cuuuute. I love Snoopy and I love Charlie Brown. I make no apologies either.

  13. Oh my! Those sheets! I love Snoopy. X

  14. Be who you are! What lovely advice. Have a great week, Billie Jo!

  15. Cute Snoopy sheets! I have a sloth duvet cover on my bed so you will get no judgement from me! It is about what makes us happy and smile.

  16. I adore the Snoopy sheets! How lovely you have made good friends blogging. Kindred spirits seem to always find each other. Happy Springtime!

  17. Those Snoopy Easter sheets are something cute. So fun that you met a blogging friend and remain friends. I have met only one in person. She lived in the same town as me and owned a vintage shop, and I used to go in there sometimes. Your Easter cup is delightful, and I chuckled when I saw your doggy's collar hehehe. Yes, our blog friends are special to us, and so glad I found you in the blog world, Billie Jo. I hear ya on the pumpkin spice creamer. I love anything pumpkin spice. Sounds wonderful. That's such a pretty road picture.

    Have a very nice week.


  18. I just love who you are Lady! An absolute ray of sunshine. And you're so fun! Happy week to you. πŸ’•

  19. Just sitting and gazing at a pretty body of water is a lovely way to calm the soul. It never gets old. I love your pictures as always and I love those sheets too! It's raining and foggy on my patch today so not much to see of the ocean as I looked out our front window this morning.πŸ’–


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo