October 11, 2019

October Days Around Here

Autumn is here, and she is doing her thing. The days are bright and crisp, just right for short walks after lunch. We are enjoying watching our world literally change before our very eyes. 

October lends itself to some pretty festive desserts too. Peyton makes a delicious and fun Spiderweb Munch. If you want to try it, the recipe is HERE. She also made some cute pudding pies with instant pudding topped with whipped cream, crushed Oreos and Halloween sprinkles. It makes me so happy seeing my kids enjoy and continue these little traditions I began with them when they were little.

Do you have any Halloween treat traditions?
Please share if you do!
Have a wonderful, cozy weekend, my friends.


  1. It all looks beautiful. I'm yearning for some of those bright crisp days. We've only been experiencing the wet gloomy ones. X

  2. Beautiful views and yummy treats, PERFECT! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. Hi Billie Jo~

    Gorgeous photos and yummy treats, I love those kind of days! I made pumpkin bread yesterday, we always love that as an Autumn treat!

    Have a great week-end!

    Hugs and Love,

  4. Love all your Halloween decorations! Beautiful photos! You got lovely banner and everything about the blog looks great!

  5. Perfection. This might have to be the year I make that spider munch. I think it's a wonderful addition to a Halloween themed food event. And boy do we have a lot of those.

  6. I just ordered your book (paperback edition, as I'm not an E-reader). It should arrive Tuesday. Can't wait to read it! Although you and I are in similar seasons of life and I'm not a young mom in need of tips, I really enjoy your blog. And I love your heart for home and family, so I will feel like we are sitting down together over a cup of tea as I read it.

    Kudos to you for doing that!!

  7. We went to an outdoor history park today as what will probably be our last homeschool group field drip. It was cold but so much fun.

  8. I just love how cozy it looks at your house! We like to make popcorn balls on Halloween ๐ŸŽƒ. We don’t make them often, so it’s a treat! Hugs to you. ~Juli

  9. Just printed out the recipe- that looks AMAZING!! Our favorite go-to at this time of year is a pumpkin roll- gotta love cream cheese frosting, right? :)

  10. Just lovely! We always take our kids this place where they sell fresh, hot made to order apple fritters & cider! Then we always bring some cider home to sip all warmed up :) Also! I thought i'd share this delicious pie topping, great for a pots! Mix 1 stick of melted butter, 1 cup of milk and 1 cup of flour! Pour over top and bake at 400 for about 30-40 minutes or until golden! You can also, grease a pie dish with butter, add in chopped apples tossed with brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, anything even a few cranberries or shivered almonds, I always add a teaspoon of corn starch to thicken.. Anyways, it's easy and add to the pie dish, pour over the pie crust mixture and bake!! So good with vanilla ice cream OR you can even serve it as a yummy side dish to go along with a hearty autumn dinner ;) Also, have you ever watched this series called Just Add Magic? It's on Prime! I urge you to watch it!! If you love Halloween Town then you will LOVE this! It's a series for kids but adults can enjoy it too! My husband and I were so hooked on it!! LOL.. Totally a series to watch during the Halloween season! SO we'll be watch it again with our kids along with all our other Halloween favorites! Watch it!! Just Add Magic! !

  11. Btw! Typo.. Meant to write, the pie topping is also delicious for POT PIES! lol.. Which I'll actually be making that with this topping for dinner tonight! I made the apple version a few days ago! So good & easy!

  12. Great photos and yummy looking treats!

  13. Gorgeous pictures. That first picture is magical!
    Those treats look so delicious! <3

  14. October looks so lovely around your neck of the woods. And that pudding pie looks amazing. I wish I had one to go with my coffee right now. The spider web dessert looks good too, how creative. Your doggy seems comfortable sitting there by the cozy fire.


    *to answer your question.....don't really have a Halloween treat tradition, but a Fall treat tradition in my family is caramel apples. I try to make them every year. ; )

  15. Your October pictures are stunning! I love seeing the scenery from all over, throughout the different seasons. God bless!

  16. I think I'd never even get sick of Fall if it lasted all year long ๐ŸŽƒ ๐Ÿ


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo