February 6, 2019

The Wedding Day is Almost Here!

Almost four years ago, a young man from Denmark flew across the ocean to meet a young girl from Pennsylvania. The ocean separated them, yet God used the Internet to bring them together.

Their story began the day they first met,

 A new chapter began the day they became engaged and yet another will begin
Saturday, as they celebrate the sacrament of marriage with the family and friends that love them so. Thank you for your kind words of love for these two amazing young people, and please send a prayer for them as they begin their life together.

I will be absent here for the next week, as we prepare for and celebrate the wedding of our firstborn child Madison Marie to her wonderful husband to be, Nicolas.  Have a blessed and cozy week, my friends!


  1. How exciting and wonderful!! I look forward to photos and hearing all about this beautiful day when you return next week!! Wishing this young couple many, many blessings as they begin their life together as husband and wife! Enjoy the celebration!

  2. Oh how exciting! Enjoy these days and I will sure be praying for this young couple as they become Husband and Wife! Have a beautiful day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. Wishing the happy couple all the best!

  4. Looking forward to many pictures as these two young people celebrate their marriage and beginning of their lives together. God bless them both and all involved.

  5. It is almost here...and I am so very happy for Nicolas and Madison. Praying that God blesses them with a home filled with love and strength and grace. Praying for you, too, dear Billie Jo...and your mister. xo

  6. What a wonderful and exciting time! Wishing you all the best enjoy!

  7. So exciting! Please pass on my very best wishes to the happy couple. X

  8. Exciting times, wishing you all a wonderful day and best wishes for the new couple as they start their married lives together. Thinking of you all.

  9. So exciting!! Love and prayers for you all. <3

  10. Super exciting! Best wishes to the couple to be. Hope it's an amazing celebration!

  11. Super exciting. Please enjoy the week...THEN TONS OF PICTURES!!!

  12. Have a wonderful, blessed week of celebrating!!! I can't wait to read all about it- and see all the lovely pictures, of course!!

  13. They look so grown up between pictures, but then also just the same. Funny how that works. Definitely praying for them! After you're all rested up again, I am excited to hear all about it.

  14. Congratulations to you all! I hope you and Madison have a stress-free day and just get to enjoy all your hard work! To Madison and Nicolas, the heart that loves is always young. Cheers!🥂

  15. Congratulations to Madison and Nicolas! Praying their wedding day goes well but also that their love is filled with love and happiness!!!

  16. Can only imagine the elation and pure joy you are all experiencing in your family! So very exciting!! Congratulations to the beautiful, sweet couple and prayers for lifelong blessings in their marriage ahead♥ Wishing you all a blessed week of celebration!
    So lovely to visit you this evening and enjoy your words and photographs of your latest posts. Especially enjoyed your post about living in the moment and capturing moments- I needed to hear that, it is so meaningful and important in this life.

    Hugs and blessings to you!

  17. Such a beautiful couple! Congratulations to Madison and Nicolas as well as to the whole family!
    It's such a wonderful new chapter in your life and I'm so excited for you!!

  18. Congratulations to them both and to the families!

  19. It is amazing how fast our babies grow up! What excitement this must be to have a wedding this weekend! Such a darling couple, and will pray the Lord's hand is upon them in their new life together! Will look forward to seeing pictures and details :) Blessings!

  20. I will keep them in my prayers. Best wishes for this very special day. Hugs to you. ~Juli

  21. Congratulations! Blessing and prayers to the newlyweds for a lifetime of love and happiness!

  22. I am SO very excited for you all!! God bless you all!! I will be praying for you! Can't wait to see pictures!

  23. Sorry wasn't around last week - just one of those weeks. But so excited for all of you and thinking of you folks so much today. ;) I sent Madison a little note on insta too. Prayers sent for a wonderfully blessed day and congrats to the beautiful couple!! xoxo

  24. So very exciting!!! I bet it was absolutely magical! Can't wait to see pictures and please tell them congratulations for me. Enjoy!!


  25. Best wishes to you, Madison, Nicolas and your entire family. May God bless their marriage with much health, joy and happiness.


  26. Congratulations and best wishes to Madison and Nicolas, a beautiful couple indeed! I can just hear the excitement from your post, Billie Jo! Praying many continued blessings on all!

  27. Congratulations!! Lovely couple! Many blessings to both of them. I noticed those plates you have behind on the bookshelf. i used to have one of the same for my daughter. It was given by the chamber of commerce. It fell from a shelf and got broken. I wish I could buy one again with her birth info. Could you please look on the back of it and inform me who makes those?? Thank you.
    I am at northernhills.blogspot.com


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo