November 28, 2018

A Newer Approach To Preparing For Christmas

Christmas comes every December. We wait for it, dream about it, and prepare for it. Recently I realized that although Christmas comes every year, I don't have to prepare our family to celebrate it the exact same way. We grow and change. Our lives and family circumstances evolve. It is alright to change the way we choose to enjoy this most special time of year, while still keeping our focus on what is important to us.

When I was a young mother of little children, I found it necessary to schedule our December in a very detailed way. I planned the shopping, wrapping, baking, Santa visiting, and picture taking well in advance. I even made a handwritten schedule complete with dates and events and little festive stickers. And that worked for us. Then.

Now, I am an older mother of older children, and our focus remains the same: Keeping December centered on our family and the cozy time we spend together preparing for the most blessed Christmas Day. My approach, however, has changed. Gone are the detailed lists and scheduled events. Now we are much more relaxed about what we do and when it happens. We are still focused on our little family and spending these precious days together.

So what will these December days look like around here? Well, because these days seem to pass so quickly, I plan on spending them here in our cozy home sipping coffee and cocoa from Santa mugs, playing Christmas games, listening to classic Christmas music and watching our favorite Christmas movies. We will venture out to do some local Christmas shopping and to Mass, and we do have a special wedding shower for a special bride to be! Other than that, we will be right here. Safe and sound. Together.

How about you, my friends?
What season of life are you in?
And how will you spend your December days?

Thanks for visiting!


  1. My plan for this year is to ask my husband and older teen boys what Christmas traditions matter to them the most and focus on those plus my favorites ;) And I've decided since I like to get out more than they do, I'll do all the fun Christmas things they don't like with friends. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas season!

  2. My children are older too so it's casual and relaxed at our house too. Your tree looks pretty!
    xx Beca

  3. December evolves each year as the changes in our family occur. This year I am visiting each family prior to Christmas and then spending time at Efteling in Holland we have rented a log cabin. That is why I have started all my preparations so early. Exciting times.

  4. I think this is a great plan. My kids are still young enough that we want to make it festive and special but we don't do everything we used to do. Visiting Santa was only ever a small part of our celebration because the lines are too long and you're not allowed to take your own photos with our local Santas, so we felt it was more of a chore and only did it a few years. Now, we're happy to have our own little celebration at home and do things in a more paced way as much as we can.

  5. Sounds like a perfect plan for December! Blessings to you and your family!

  6. Hi Billie Jo~

    Well, you know me. I'm a grandmother, three grown children, and 9 grands. Only 2 of them are true believers of Santa. My grands range from 20 to 5 years, quite a difference in age, so quite a difference in the way they think of Christmas as well. We will be spending quiet days and sparkly nights by the tree. We will me concentrating on the Savior, trying to live as He would have us live, and serving others as best we can. Family is very important to me, and as my children and grandchildren get older, I find it's even more important to find quality time with them, doing things that will reinforce my love for them. Home is where you will find me this year!! Baking, listening to classic Christmas music, making a few treats and trying really hard to enjoy this beautiful season. Your tree is gorgeous, simple, and just as cozy as your post! XOXO

    Hugs and Love,

  7. I love the vision you painted with your words in this post. Our boys and the grandkids are all grown up and spread all over. We just don't see them for holidays anymore and it is sad. SO... we make our memories with dear friends, good food, cozy decorations, and calls from the kids. Joey is in Kuwait, Jeff works two jobs and Safeway NEVER closes for holidays. The grands are 3-hours away. We may touch base for lunch at a half-way point. So enjoy your days with those beautiful children! And I can't wait to hear about the shower!!

  8. When our girls were little we were always so busy. We'd cut down our own tree, we'd go to concerts, drive around to look at Christmas lights... it was a lot of fun! But like you, our girls are grown and to be honest, it's been 4 years since we've had a traditional Christmas here at our house. We go to our daughters or two of our girls are gone. Even this year we're going to our condo for the week. Decorating is different this year, preparing is different... yep, definitely a different season!

  9. My old blog, Becausehelives, has been deleted and I have a new one....Ramblings of a Retired Lady. Hoping you will follow me there.

  10. Oh dear friend, we sound so much alike! I have worked my hiney off in years past up until the last minute. Looking back, I don't want to do that anymore. I want to have time to cherish the moments of the Season, I want to visit friends in their homes and take treats. Sounds much better to me. Today, I have to get out for a few things. Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  11. I love this post so much! My December days will be much like yours. Easy going, not stressful or rushed - being as cozy as possible at home, with hot cocoa and Christmas movies. We have a few small things planned and will take our time with those things. I've learned from years past that rushing around never pays off and I miss out on what's important. I want to enjoy the season as much as possible. Luckily, my boys are on board with me. Happy December, my friend! Pour another hot cocoa (with marshmallows : ) and put your feet up! xo

  12. Sounds perfect :-) Hope you are having a wonderful week!!


  13. I love this post so much and I can relate to everything you said! I feel that we are busier now than we were when my daughter was younger. Once she started kindergarten, life just got busier. She has two birthday parties to attend tomorrow, then it's home for a cozy evening in and a Christmas movie. We are planning to see the Nutcracker play in two weeks, and other than that, we don't have a lot planned from now until Christmas Eve. I have a few more gifts that I plan to order online and some Christmas baking to do next week. Like you, I love spending time at home, especially during the holidays enjoying my tree, a good Christmas movie, time with my family, and a cup of tea, of coffee, or hot cocoa. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season.

  14. Oh gosh, December is CRAZY busy for us with all sorts of after school rehearsals and concerts.... Hoping for a few relaxing weekends though.


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo