June 7, 2024

Friday Photos~All The Things

 Hello! Happy Friday! I hope you had a lovely week and are ready for an even nicer weekend. Here is a quick peek into our week here.

We have so many visitors these days. Some are old friends like the vibrant Cardinal...

Some are new to me, like these cute little Brown-headed Cowbirds. ( Please let me know if I am wrong! )

Cute puppy selfies filled our phones and group chats.

Madison and I made a delicious dinner together this week! It was so easy, especially with two cooks in the kitchen, and so fresh and good! I bought some bone-in chicken thighs and some carrots at the store. We had the baby potatoes from the Farmer's Market and all the fresh herbs from Steve and Madison's garden! 

This is the finished product, and we all agreed it was delicious. Some of my family are not dark meat fans, but even they loved it. I will link the recipe below. We followed it, except we did not use the baby carrots and added fresh rosemary, sage, and thyme. And fresh garlic, too!

These flowers climbing the trellis on the front porch are absolutely gorgeous. I have only the previous owners to thank, and I absolutely do!

We all miss Peyton, but we keep in touch with her every day through individual texts, group texts, talking to each other about the individual texts, phone calls, and pictures like this one her Christopher sent us while they were on a walk. I told you. She is always smiling! Hi Peyton! ( She reads here! ).

Madison saw we had an abundance of fresh strawberries from the Farmer's Market, so she made some delicious strawberry bread with a lemon glaze. It was so good. There is something about having a freshly baked loaf of breakfast bread on your counter that makes your home feel cozy. It is like my image of the 1950s when your neighbor would drop in wearing a dress, and you would invite her in for coffee. You would have freshly baked bread or cake on the counter and offer her a slice while you drank your coffee and shared all the neighborhood gossip. 

Well, I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friends. We plan on heading over the bridge and to the beach on Saturday after mass. Some sort of boat races are happening, but I will be happy on the couch with my pups, my coffee, and my laptop catching up with you all! 

Thanks for visiting!
Billie Jo


  1. Sounds like a lovely week for you. Enjoy the weekend.

  2. Your last sky photo is gorgeous! And these purple flowers are so stunning. Have a good trip!

  3. Your meal looks delicious. The flowers by the front door is so beautiful. That bread looks delicious too and what a beautiful sky.

  4. Hi Billie Jo! Your chicken dinner looks delicious! I recently made a very similar dinner, except I used boneless chicken breasts and green beans instead of carrots. It was a winner of a chicken dinner! I love the climbing purple flowers by your front door. I hope you have a nice, cozy weekend - just the way you like it! See you again soon!

  5. Always lovely to drop by your place, my friend. The clematis by your door is gorgeous! Enjoy a lovely weekend at the beach.

  6. Our clematis is my favorite plant, I think. It is effortless and provides so much pleasure. Though I recently trimmed mine, and it looks a bit like a scissor happy barber got ahold of it. I'm hoping it fills out by its second bloom. I just sent the chicken and veggies recipe to myself. I think I need to try that.

  7. Sounds like another good week and supper sure looks good.

  8. Thanks for the recipes - they both look good.
    Hi Peyton!

  9. Your dinner looks wonderful. I love those plates! The climbing flowers look so pretty! God bless you!

  10. You always make me smile. Have beautiful day friend.

  11. What a beautiful dinner and I can almost smell the strawberry bread. Your family is the best and I love how they all cooperate. Our kids, Brad, Mandy and Piper have been in France for the past two weeks. The first week was visiting with friends who have an apartment in Paris, the past 5 days have been with our son and his family, Alex, T. and Baby J. Oh, the pictures they've sent. How I wish I could put them on my blog as I would love to share them, but daughter-in-love "T" can't have her photo online because of her line of work and so they don't put Baby "J" online either. (If you send me your email I can share though!)
    Thank you for the book offer and your sweet and kind words. I do have that book an it's been invaluable to me. I just wish it could take away the pain of losing her a little at a time.
    Have fun on your couch at the beach. We're leaving in about two weeks to go cross country and will ultimately end up on the Oregon coast if all goes as planned. We cannot wait to see the ocean. A cruise wasn't the same as the Oregon coast. We love it there.
    Blessings and hugs,

  12. I have to say your puppies are simply adorable! The dinner you and your daughter made looks so good. I love visiting your blog and seeing all of the beautiful simple pleasures you share from your home. Have a blessed weekend my friend.

  13. Gorgeous clematis!๐Ÿ’œ and cardinals❤️ Yep, those are cowbirds. I had to look them up when Covid hit and we were watching live bird feeder videos all the time ๐Ÿ˜ŠI’d never seen them before.
    Enjoy your weekend and thanks for the chicken recipe ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  14. First, I love that red cardinal photo. Not sure if I mentioned to you, but it's a dream of mine to see the red cardinal someday, as we don't see them here in California where I live. It's so delightful that the birds come to the feeders to visit and nibble. You can get acquainted with the different types of birds that way. The chicken thighs look really good. As I get older, I am liking the dark meat more, as it seems less dry than the white. Madison's strawberry bread looks Yummy, and that lemon glaze! Your visual was delightful of the 1950's neighbor dropping by for a visit and coffee. ; ) Such a cute picture of Peyton, and it looks like she lives in a lovely area. And that last photo is so unique and pretty.

    Have a peaceful Sunday, Billie Jo.


  15. Aren't sheet pan dinners the best? So easy and so delicious...I'll check out your recipe. Lovely flowers, singing birds, happy pups, yummy bread, and smiling Peyton...what more could one ask for?!

  16. I think I'll give the strawberry bread a try today :) Thanks for the recipe!

  17. Both the chicken sheet pan dinner and the strawberry cake look delicious! Thanks for sharing!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo