May 28, 2021

Just An Update On The Circus That Is Us!

 First up. This young man celebrated his birthday this week. Thank you for all the kind wishes! He read and appreciated them all. I was so proud of Madison for incorporating his beloved Denmark into the celebration she planned. And if I may, I am so very proud of this young man. Here he is at work with his favorite pup, Draper. Madison dropped in as a birthday surprise and brought ice cream! Nicolas is working at the dealership and has consistently strived to learn as many aspects of the business as he can. He is currently the manager of one of the franchises, and he is doing an exceptional job!

Speaking of working at the dealership, this little lady started her first job last week! I dropped her off, and Daddy met her at the door. I am so happy for her! She was super excited to go to work with Daddy. When I was about her age, I remember vividly starting work at the department store my parents owned! I wish I could say I was as excited as Flynn is!

These two newlyweds became homeowners last week! I am so very proud of and happy for them. They are two of the hardest-working young people I know. 

And these two young people. They are the cutest couple ever. Rhett is also working at the dealership, running the Business Development Center. He is unbelievably knowledgeable and hardworking! It is almost as if he were born into it! He loves his work, and I am so very proud. 

Madison continues to run her beautiful bridal store. She is still working with brides by appointment only and has found that to be much more enjoyable and productive. She enjoys giving each bride her undivided attention. She has also spent so much loving quality time with my Flynn lately to help with the transition of Peyton not being here quite so much.

Steve and I continue to adjust to life as parents of older and married children. It is very different but wonderful and blessed in its own way. I am so very thankful to God for sending us Flynn when he did. We are still parents of a young one! And for that, we are thankful! 

Oh! And I made pizza! I am usually good with meal planning, but I found myself with nothing on the schedule one night this week. I rummaged around and found three loaves of frozen bread dough, some blocks of cheddar and parmesan cheese, a small bag of fresh mozzarella balls, and a few cans of tomato sauce. Pizza it is! I thawed the bread dough on the counter all afternoon. Then I made some sauce by putting some Hunts Tomato Sauce in a pot, adding Italian seasoning, garlic powder, a bit of sugar, some grated parmesan, and a bay leaf. I let that simmer while I shredded the cheese. Then I assembled the pizzas and realized I might have a few pieces of pepperoni somewhere in the fridge! I baked them until we couldn't stand the delicious smell any longer, and then I set them out to cool. Steve was so eager to cut them, but I made him wait until I took them all out so I could take a picture! All for the blog, my friends!

Well, that wraps things up here. Have a wonderful, cozy, fun family weekend! Here in Pennsylvania, it is going to be chilly and rainy! As in 48 degrees chilly! We have a few plans, especially since we have one more birthday to celebrate! Peyton has her special day Monday, Memorial Day. 

Thanks for visiting, my friends.
I am always glad you do.


  1. So so awesome your family is!! You and Steve have done such a nice job thoughtfully raising great kids. And yes, so perfect to still have more raising to do with Flynn, what a blessing!! Have a great weekend. Does Peyton make her own cakes or how does that work?

    1. It's funny! I offered to make her birthday cake this year. She decided to go with a cheesecake from Cheesecake factory. Can't blame her! LOL

  2. You have a beautiful family and I love the work ethic.

  3. Thank you Billie Jo, you always make me smile. Happy Birthday Nicolas, and Congratulations to Peyton and Christopher.

  4. My friend you have such a beautiful family! You are truly blessed! Happy belated birthday to Nicolas, Happy early birthday to Peyton, and may you all have a wonderful weekend! :)

  5. Hi Billie Jo - I always enjoy seeing what is up with your lovely and blessed family. Looks like things are going well. Yes, it is quite an adjustment when our kids grow up, get married and move out. Hope you enjoy this Memorial Day Weekend. I love your closing quote.

  6. Love the new look of your blog.
    Busy busy you are.

    Enjoy your weekend!

    M : )

  7. First off, those pizzas looked amazing. I'm sure they tasted amazing as well. Now I want pizza at some point this weekend. Good for Nicolas and Rhett working in the family business. Nothing like having family around when you run a business. Hope Flynn is enjoying her job. Congratulations to Peyton and Christopher on the new house purchase. Your kids are doing well. Hard work is the key. I'm sure that makes you and Steve extremely happy. Have a nice weekend!

  8. Lots of celebrating going on. Kind and caring , lovely family you have. Glad the newlyweds found a house to buy and start their new life together in. It's going to be warmer than usual this weekend here in OR. Low 80s. Evenings a bit chilly though. I love the flag you shared at end of post. Enjoy your weekend. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸŒΉπŸ°...Becky

    1. I wouldn't mind sharing the flag link on my blog post today. I hope that's ok.

  9. Love seeing pictures of your family and seeing what everyone is doing or what is going on. Thank you for sharing. I must have missed a lot of blogs because I didnt realize Peyton was married. Congratulations to them.

  10. Lovely post.

    The car dealership is really becoming a family affair. Very nice.

    Yes, the Memorial Day weekend is not being nice, in the weather dept. So it is up to us, to make in nice, in the family-gathering dept. !!!!! And we are! Both of us. -smile-

    Happy Memorial Day...
    πŸ’›"They hover, as a cloud of witnesses, above this nation."πŸ’›

  11. So much to celebrate!!! I LOVE all this news and your pizza looks delicious! Have happy happy weekend! xx

  12. Your family is so beautiful - inside and out. I can just tell. And I love how close you all are...working and playing together. And now I really want pizza. πŸ˜‹ Blessings xo


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo