December 30, 2019

My Favorite Week Of The Year

Hello, friends!
We are snuggled in, pretending it isn't fifty-three degrees, and savoring every last moment of these cozy Christmas days. We are playing new games, eating yummy cookies, drinking Christmas teas and cocoas, and watching old favorite shows. We ventured out to mass and to our annual Christmas pizza party at my bestest sister Margie and her husband Chris' house. Some of my people went to work but came home after for more cozy fun.

I hope you all had lovely, memorable Christmas celebrations with your loved ones. Do you have any New Year's plans? We will attend mass on New Year's Eve, followed by a special steak dinner, prepared by Steve! Then everyone will humor me with my traditional party hats and noisemakers. New Year's Day is quiet here, with Steve's annual pork and sauerkraut dinner and our Twilight Zone marathon. We are something else, aren't we?!

Have a wonderful celebration of the new year!
Be back soon!

December 23, 2019

Merry Christmas

Dear Friends, May you enjoy all the blessings of Christmas with the ones you love. Have a merry, joyous, blessed, and cozy Christmas!

December 18, 2019

Wrapping It All Up!

I plan on doing just that, my friends.
Our Christmas preparations are winding down, and we are ready to relax and enjoy this beautiful season. 

Wednesday, December 18th ~ Steve's final work Christmas party

Friday, December 20th ~  Family Movie Night (My turn!)

Saturday, December 21~ Mass, Finalize grocery list 

Sunday, December 22 ~ Annual Rudolph Breakfast, Christmas Concert (Peyton's boyfriend Christopher and his family hold one every year.)

Monday, December 23 ~ Grocery Pickup, Secret Santa family gift exchange, iron tablecloth, finalize church clothes, wash Christmas Eve pajamas

Christmas Eve ~ Light Christmas Eve candle, track Santa on Norad, watch Santa Claus is Coming to Town, prepare Christmas Eve dinner, attend Mass, set out stockings and cookies for Santa, and read 'Twas The Night Before Christmas

How about you, my friends?
How are your preparations coming along?
Are you all ready?
And if not, does it really matter?

Have a cozy Wednesday!

December 8, 2019

Winners On A Cozy Sunday!

This little lady helped me and Rhett choose the winners of my book giveaway!
Thank you all so very much for your kind words and support.
I was especially touched by the comments of new readers and those who left a very first comment. I am so glad to meet you and to know you are reading!

The winners chosen by a random number generator are

Sheri from Red Rose Alley



Please email me your information and I will get your books out to you!

Have a lovely evening, my friends.

See you tomorrow.

November 27, 2019

Thankful For

A cozy house to keep me warm ~ A blessed family to share it with ~ Cupboards filled with food to eat ~ Clean water to drink and cook and bathe with ~ Medicine for when we feel sick ~ A clean, safe, cozy place for my dear mom to live ~ A phone to use to call her every day ~ Puppies who love and snuggle ~ Friends who love me and my family too ~ Books on my bedside table ~ Coffee in my mug ~ Wonderful young men who love my girls ~ Freedom to worship at the churches we choose ~ And priests who offer Mass there ~ This country ~ And all the people who came before ensuring the life we live today.

A snuggly Mocha.
Just because.

Have a cozy, yummy, lovely Thanksgiving, my friends.
We will be relaxing, watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, eating turkey and stuffing, and sweet potatoes, and pumpkin pie. I hope you have a wonderful day, however you and your people spend it. 

Thankful for you!

November 25, 2019

Time For Christmas Movies!

This is the image I sent out in our family group text. 
And it was well-received!

November 20, 2019


Happy Birthday, Flynn Grace!
We love you!!
Love, Mommy

November 18, 2019

I'm Baaaaaack! With My Legos!

HOLA, it's me, Flynn! How's your day? Hope it's good. I LOVEEEE Legos. I have some pictures of them. I have a hobby of taking pictures of my Legos. I take my main Lego Minifigure (Little Lego people) Jaylyn EVERYWHERE, and I take pictures of her. She is cool. My mommy gave her to me on the way to the BEACH! Here are some pictures of my Legos I took and some funny Memes! Hope you like them!     

 Snow snow, look at the snow!

 I built this. Well, Nico and I did.

 True stuff.

 It may not be Lego, but this Taco Bell one gets me every time.

 This was my Halloween Pumpkin based on an emoji!

 Me. Everyday.....

Apples and a lemon. Yummy! Apples!

 I feel like this every time I do it.

 CHRISTMAS SHOPPING! I got the Robin one!


 Shawn Mendes. My FAV singer-songwriter!

 My mom did not get this one! *frowns*



Look at these boots!!!

I don't like cornbread, but Jaylyn does! Thanks for reading! This was fun sharing my hobby with you! 

Love, Flynn!